While reading a blog attached to a local designer's website (an acquaintance actually) I couldn't help but feel a little voyeuristic.
Even though I barely see this person, I now know the status of their past and current relationship, who attends their dinner parties, what their house looks like and even know the current gnarly health status of their pet. It felt wrong, maybe only because I later ran into them and asked "hey,,, how's it going?"
But I already knew.
It got me thinking about some of the "most popular blogs" and the realization that what people really want is full disclosure. The more vulnerable you're willing to be, the more "hey, check out my f-ed up life" your willing to give, the more people go back for more. So I ask myself, am I willing to open up some of the most vulnerable, deep recesses of my personal life for anyone to see on this blog? Isn't that just a form of whoring myself out? Is that what I'm doing right at this moment? Is that what successful blogging and marketing have come to? The answer is... Perhaps? That said, I don't doubt that I will ostensibly embarrass myself on worldwideweb at some point and I guess that's ok.
That said, in the spirit of voyeurism and catching a beautiful glimpse of some random, possibly embarrassing, personal tidbit of someone's life (that is not my own), I give you a few of my personal faves from:
'The Nine Eyes of Google Street View' by Jon Rafman.
I love so many things about these photos, especially their "story" potential.